The homework sheets folder can be found here: Formal2024/Homeworks/.

Week Homework
1 1. Finish Formal2024/Workshops/workshop1.lean if you haven’t already

2. Do Formal2024/Homeworks/homework1.lean (go to #socials-info in Discord)

3. Introduce yourself in #new-members in Discord

4. Sign up to Zulip

5. Optional (but addictive) homework: try out the natural number game
2 1. Finish the workshop sheets (both 1 and 2): Formal2024/Workshops/

2. Finish the homework sheets (both 1 and 2): Formal2024/Homeworks/
3 1. As per the updated file, please create a copy of the folder Formal2024 so that you do not get any merge conflicts when pulling any updates

2. Continue working on Formal2024/Workshops/workshop3.lean

3. Work on Formal2024/Homeworks/homework3.lean
4 1. Continue working on Formal2024/Workshops/workshop4.lean

2. Work on Formal2024/Homeworks/homework4.lean
5 1. Continue working on Formal2024/Workshops/workshop5.lean

2. Work on Formal2024/Homeworks/homework5.lean

3. Work on the exercises for this week: Formal2024/Exercises/ex5.lean

4. Think about the projects for next week!
6 1. Formal2024/Homeworks/homework6.lean
- break/office-hours
7 Projects!
8 Projects!
9 Projects!
10 Projects!