The workshop sheets can be found here: Formal2024/Workshops/.

Week Content
1 (30th of Jan) 1. Intro slides

2. Join the Discord server if you haven’t already! (link in email)

3. Sign up to GitHub!

4. Open the course repository in Codespaces/Gitpod;
find the links and troubleshooting for that in the file (this will take ~5 minutes)

5. Then go to Formal2024/Workshops/workshop1.lean and start working on the file!
2 (6th of Feb) 1. First SSFM seminar (short talk)!

2. For new students joining in, please make sure you join the Discord server, sign up to GitHub, and sign up to Zulip!

3. Open the course repository in Codespaces/Gitpod;
find the links and troubleshooting for that in the file (this will take ~5 minutes and should be quicker if you have already done this before)

4. Then go to Formal2024/Workshops/workshop2.lean and start working on the file!

5. Please introduce yourself in #new-members on the Discord server
3 (13th of Feb) 1. Continue working on Formal2024/Workshops/workshop2.lean

2. Work on Formal2024/Workshops/workshop3.lean
4 (20th of Feb) Work on Formal2024/Workshops/workshop4.lean
5 (27th of Feb) 1. Formal2024/Workshops/workshop5.lean

2. Intro to projects (slides)
6 (5th of March) 1. Continue Formal2024/Workshops/workshop5.lean

2. Formal2024/Workshops/workshop6.lean
- (12th of March) break / office-hours
7 (19th of March) 1. slides

2. Formal2024/Workshops/workshop7.lean
8 (26th of March) Work on Formal2024/Workshops/workshop8.lean
9 (2nd of April) Continue with Formal2024/Workshops/workshop8.lean
10 (16th of April) Work on Formal2024/Workshops/workshop10.lean